Monday, December 14, 2020

We're turning 75 and would like your help

Scott Lawson Gondolier Editor, December 14, 2020

If you've spent any time in Venice, we'd like to see your photographs and hear your stories. 

It's a part of what we do — learn about our community and showcase our shared stories. 

And, as the Venice Gondolier heads toward its 75th anniversary, we're hoping you'll help with our project. 

Maybe you're someone who has been in the city or area for a few months but you have that epic shot at the South Jetty with waves splashing the kids from last week. Maybe you're someone born here 75 years ago with boxes of photos from seven decades. 

We'd love to see the photos and hear the stories. 

Because while we're turning 75, our job has never been about us. It's always been about you — our readers and our community. You have the stories that we, in turn, tell. 

Our offices remain closed to the public due to the pandemic, but through the magic of this internet you can email us fairly easily. 

We are hoping to collect a lot of images and stories that go with them and add them to the 75th year of The Venice Gondolier in a variety of ways. Of course, this is completely up to our readership to help out. 

And that's one of the reasons why newspapers exist: to give future generations a chance to look back at our momentary experiences. 

So, do you have a story about community and how it shaped you for a day or a lifetime? We'd like to hear it. 

The plan is to highlight the main stories of  Venice and the surrounding community in the last 75 years as part of our celebration. At a recent planning meeting, a group of four journalists came up with more than 50 story ideas in just 30 minutes. It's going to keep us busy. 

Everything from the main things that have shaped Venice — the Venice Intracoastal Waterway, the circus, the Venice Municipal Airport — to the businesses and people who impacted it through the decades. 

From festivals to the Venice Little Theatre that became Venice Theatre to the creation of South Venice, the longtime community of Laurel and the annexation of North Venice (and everything beyond Capri Isles, for that matter), we know experiences last longer than just moments. 

And that's one of the reasons why newspapers exist: to give future generations a chance to look back at our momentary experiences.

 You can email me at We'll be working with our staff and correspondents in coming weeks to put these stories into our special edition — but, with 75 years worth of editions and literally thousands of stories a year, it's going to take a lot of work. 

And we don't mind work. We're just hoping for a bit of a helping hand from our readership and community. 

If you have any questions, feel free to either email me at or give me a call at my office phone, 941-429-3002. And thanks, in advance, for putting us to work. 

Ali H. Johnston, MBA in Real Estate

REALTOR®, Lic. Broker #BK3284964

West Villages Realty LLC
19503 S West Villages Pkwy
Stes A2 (by Appt)
Venice, Florida 34293
Office: 941-460-3179

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